Top 10 Most Beautiful Churches Around the World

The past churches were places of worship where individuals could worship and talk to God While most individuals only go to church on special occasions or to look around they are still places of worship there are many churches around the globe and yet only a handful are stunningly beautiful and huge making them so much more than only areas to worship here are some of the most stunning churches that you need to visit they range from well-known City landmarks to Cathedrals turned into museums.

Saint Peter’s Basilica: Vatican Marvels

Saint Peter’s Basilica Vatican City the city is the location of the Supreme body of the Roman Catholic church but it also has a wide range of attractions that are open to people of all faiths the church a significant ethnic historical and artistic Monument is home to various ancient Treasures including artwork sculptures Antiques and more this contains the tomb of Saint John Paul II and Michelangelo’s pieta the well-known Mary statue clutching the body of Jesus.

Cologne Cathedral: Gothic Marvel

Saint Peter Cathedral Cologne Germany the city is known for Cologne Cathedral an excellent building on August 15 1248 the Cornerstone for this Gothic cathedral was laid during the Feast of the Assumption of Mary today the cathedral is the second tallest building in Cologne and can accommodate more than 20 000 people in 1996 UNESCO named Cologne Cathedral a world heritage site because of its remarkable Gothic style The Shrine of the three wise men the beautiful stained glass windows and numerous other significant pieces of Art.

Milan’s Magnificent Duomo

Duomo of Santa Maria nasante Milan Italy the renowned cathedral in Milan also called Duomo or Santa Maria nacente is the second largest church in Italy and the fourth largest in the world over 78 engineers and Architects handled the building from its Inception in 1386 until its completion in 1965. a process that spanned close to Six centuries the cathedral’s gothic exterior is stunning specifically when the Blazing Sun Shines on the light White marble friends and highlights its arches cornerstones Gables and numerous statues the interior is starkly intimate despite being enormous and is sober to the point of being minimalist don’t miss to climb to the cathedral’s rooftop Terrace for panoramic views of Milan and a close-up look at the artistic Embellishments.

Iconic Notre Dame Cathedral

Notre Dame Cathedral Reigns France the rames Notre Dame cathedral which has two towers that rise 80 meter and a length of 150 meter is regarded as one of the most iconic examples of Gothic architecture worldwide a beautiful Union of architecture and sculptural embellishment is achieved in the Colossal building which is evidence of the extraordinary architectural techniques developed over the 13th century for over a thousand years the cathedral served as the location for 33 Royal coronations.

Iconic Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia Barcelona Spain millions of visitors from around the world visit Barcelona each year to see the fame Sagrada Familia Basilica whose construction started in 1882 initially the project was given to Francesca De Paula Velar an accomplished architect but after 1883 Antonio Gotti took over the concept involved building a sizable temple with five aisles a cathedral an apps an outdoor ambulatory three facades and 18 Towers Gotti spent 43 years of his life working on it it was the most complex and distinctive undertaking he had ever completed in 2005 UNESCO designated the Gotti-built Porsche as a world heritage site the construction board anticipates completing the project in 2026. the socrata Familia will be the world’s tallest Church once it is finished.

Halcomb’s Kirkja: Modernist Marvel

Halcomb’s kirkja Reykjavik Iceland Iceland’s Harden skirt serves as a Parish church and a public Shrine the good gen Samuelson designed concrete building took more than 40 years to construct finishing in 1986 as a tribute to modern architecture and a reminisce of the basalt lava flows in Iceland’s natural scenery The Towering modernist Cathedral has a stepped Concrete Front the famous structure is 75 meters tall and a trip to the peak will pay you off with breathtaking views of Reykjavik and on a clear day the snafels jakul glacier the huge pipe organ and excellent Acoustics make the church the perfect location for classical music events.

Iconic Moscow Landmark

Saint Basil’s Cathedral Moscow Russia Moscow Saint Basil’s Cathedral is a remarkable remnant of the city’s turbulent past it contrasts dramatically with a monochromatic Soviet era structures that dominate much of the city ascending magnificently from Red Square it has survived multiple fires Napoleon’s invasion and Stalin’s destruction of other Moscow churches Saints Basil’s Cathedral is the most well-known structure in Moscow mesmerizing visitors with its thriving combination of bright colors and the towers covered with uniquely designed onion domes some swirls like ice creams some patterns with diamond shapes but offer a memorable postcard image for anyone who travels the city whether it’s at day or night Orthodox iconography gold embellishments and vibrant paintings are skillfully incorporated into the decoration of each tiny shrine.

Canterbury Cathedral: Majestic Fusion

Canterbury Cathedral United Kingdom February Cathedral intend a breathtaking Fusion of Victorian and Gothic cyles has served as the residents of the Church of England’s spiritual leader for five centuries the Majestic Cathedral structure was constructed around 597 A. D and is situated in lovely landscapes due to its close ties to the nation’s history the UNESCO world heritage site is frequently referred to as England in stone don’t miss the amazing stained glass windows such as one of England’s finest examples of Middle Ages stained glass and the water tower from the 12th century which has piping that has endured and is still in use today when you go on a tour.

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore: Florence Marvel

Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore Florence Italy our nofo dicambio created the Florence cathedral towards the end of the 13th century it is named Santa Maria Del Fiore a tribute to the city’s Emblem The Lily after Saint Peter’s in Rome and Saint Paul’s in London this Cathedral is the third largest in the world when it was built in 1436 it was the biggest in Europe the outside currently covered in polychrome Marble were made unfinished for a very long time on the inside the main altar is enclosed by the podium on which the Coppola sits while the nav and two sides aisle finish in a large choir leading 15th Century Masters like Donatello Andrea Del Castagno and Paolo usello created the 44 stained glass windows.

Cordoba’s Magnificent Transformation

Mesquitta Cathedral de Cordoba Spain after the Moorish Invasion the Spanish city of Cordoba had its height of grandeur in the 8th century when more than 300 mosques including the great mosquito and many palaces and public structures were constructed to equal the Grandeur of Constantinople Damascus and Baghdad the great Mosque of Cordoba was converted into the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption in the 13th century by Ferdinand III the Saints the structure’s design is a prime example of Moorish architecture with numerous horseshoe arches towers and ornamental tile work in 1984 UNESCO designated the mosque Cathedral as a world heritage site due to its importance to culture and art.