In Taiwan the victim’s head and some body parts were found in Johnson’s freezer in Manhattan. a massive 7.7.4 magnitude Taiwan earthquake has rocked Taiwan. that quake killing at least seven people, injuring hundreds more and causing heavy damage to buildings.
Taiwan Earthquake Catastrophe
. in addition to the seven dead, more than 700 have been injured and dozens were trapped. not since 1999 has this island of 23 million people experienced a quake. this strong. Taiwan’s strongest earthquake in a quarter century sent items flying off, rocking shelves inside this home buildings like this one in Hualien on the east coast, leaned at impossible angles. it’s hard to fathom how they remained standing. Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency measured a magnitude of 7.2.
the us geological survey put it at 7.4. the state owned central news agency reported that two of the dead were hiking when they quake hit during the Wednesday morning rush about 11 miles south southwest of Hualien. a mostly rural area train service stopped across the island, as did subway service in Taipei. landslides and debris struck tunnels and highways.
traffic on the east coast ground to a halt. students were evacuated from their schools and donned safety helmets for protection. as aftershocks continued, some covered their heads with textbooks to fend off tumbling objects. earthquakes are common in this part of the world, but this one was especially powerful.
one woman who lives in Taipei says this was the first tears, and this earthquake hit as many people were preparing to travel for what’s known as tomb sweeping day. it’s a centuries people honor the dead by visiting grave sites. those travel plans have now been interrupted.